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2011-2012 Press Announcements for Speaking Engagements and Book Signings


* NOTE:  Public speaking announcements were sent to local print and on-line news sources. If a photo was taken at event, it will appear to the right of release.  If there was additional or summary information available after the event, text and links for it will appear under the release as right justified.

Date: Aug. 20, 2012

Headline: Which Social Tools Can Be Relevant to Your Continuous Learning Initiative?

Summary: On Sept. 5, 2012, Shirley Fine Lee facilitates a discussion on �Which Social Tools Can Be Relevant to Your Continuous Learning Initiative?� for Dallas ASTD group at Peak Performance Solutions office in Dallas.  The world of social learning for corporate training or knowledge sharing can be confusing to navigate. It can be hard to decide what to say on-line or find the best way to spread the news about new products and services.  This interactive discussion should help answer the following questions about planning a social footprint for any learning initiative:

- Who should be on an external social network and When is it appropriate to be only internal?

- What social media is available and Why would you want to use it?

- Where can you get more information and How can you share what you learn?

Find details and register at http://linkd.in/RRxRsj .

Click title to read details on LinkedIn event listing.

Date: August 30, 2011

Headline:  WOVI Arlington asks �Does Your Business Need a Social Web Footprint?" 

Summary: The Women of Visionary Influence (WOVI) Arlington chapter monthly meeting will be Thursday, September 8th, 2011 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Arlington Hilton.  The guest speaker will be Shirley Fine Lee, author of "�T.A.P.P. Steps in Time Management� and �R.A!R.A!  A Meeting Wizard's Approach�.  Her topic will be "Does Your Business Need a Social Web Footprint?"  To find out more about the chapter and their meetings, visit their website www.wovi.com/Chapter-Arlington.htm.  To find out more about the speaker and her books, visit her website at www.ShirleyFineLee.com.

2011-2012 Press Releases/Announcements for Book + A/V + Blog


* NOTE:  On-line releases will include link to web location in title.  Those without title links were sent to print publications.


Date: July 8, 2012

Headline: How I Use Twitter � Tips from @2BProductive

Summary:  Expert writer on business productivity and leadership blog, Shirley Fine Lee is interviewed on how she uses Twitter for To Be Productive (aka 2bProductive) as part of her blogging strategy. Click title above to read full post.  


Date: May 1, 2012

Headline: 4-year Old 2bProductive Blog in Top 75 List

Summary:  Business productivity and leadership blog, To Be Productive (aka 2bProductive) celebrates 4 years and becoming one of the Top 75 Productivity Experts to Follow on Twitter.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Mar. 24, 2012

Headline: OPIE Project Planning and Implementation for Teams Book 

Summary:  Many teams need a process from project management since they may not get formal training or may not need more than the necessary fundamentals.  The book OPIE Project Planning and Implementation for Teams explains how to open, plan, implement, and end a project successfully using project management basics. Key steps and forms for each stage of the OPIE process are offered in the book.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Sept. 05, 2011

Headline: RARA Meeting Management available as eBook

Summary:  Business meetings are necessary.  Make them more effective with "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach" book by Shirley Fine Lee.  Book is available in e-book format now and also paperback on Amazon.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Sept. 05, 2011

Headline: Meeting Management available in RARA e-Book

Summary:  Business meetings are necessary.  Make them more effective with "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach" book by Shirley Fine Lee.  Book is available in e-book format now and paperback on Amazon.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: May 23, 2011

Headline: To Be Productive Blog Acknowledges 3 Years of Business and Leadership Tips

Summary:  Read �To Be Productive� blog at http://2bproductive.blogspot.com/ for latest business and leadership thoughts from consultants and authors.  This blog is celebrating 3 year anniversary of posts from management consultants by offering a comment contest to giveaway business books.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Feb. 16, 2011

Headline: 2bProductive Business Blog Added To On-Line Teaching Community

Summary:  Business and leadership productivity blog 2bProductive becomes part of the TeachStreet community for people who love to learn.  Both sites encourage learning something new as a way to grow.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Jan. 30, 2011

Headline: Productivity Prophet Shares Time Management Concepts in YouTube Videos

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee, author of the book �T.A.P.P. Steps in Time Management� has recorded videos with concepts from her books and placed them on YouTube.  The newest videos are slightly humorous and educational time management topics.  Click title above to read full release.  



Click cover above to order Paperback Book or below for

RARA A Meeting Wizard's Approach Kindle e-Book

Click cover above to order Paperback Book or below for

TAPP Steps in Time Mgmt Kindle e-book

OPIE Project Planning and Implementation for Team - Only available as Kindle e-book on Amazon

Team Building Primer: A Start-up Guide for Developing Effective Teams, Committees, and Other Groups

Shirley Fine Lee's purpose is to help people and organizations increase capacity to produce results.

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