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2013-2014 Press Announcements for Speaking Engagements and Book Signings


* NOTE:  Public speaking announcements were sent to local print and on-line news sources. If a photo was taken at event, it will appear to the right of release.  If there was additional or summary information available after the event, text and links for it will appear under the release as right justified.

Date: Nov. 3, 2013

Headline: Social Tools for Continuous Learning Initiatives

Summary: On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 from 11:45AM to 1:00PM, Shirley Fine Lee will be facilitating a discussion on �Social Tools for Continuous Learning Initiatives.�   This meeting is sponsored by Dallas ASTD Software & Technology group.  Why is this topic important for businesses today?  The world of social learning for corporate training or knowledge sharing can be confusing to navigate. 


It can be hard to decide what to say on-line or find the best way to spread the news about new products, services or training.  This interactive discussion should help answer the following questions about planning a social footprint for any learning initiative: Who should be on an external social network, when is it appropriate to be only internal, what social media is available, why would you want to use it, where can you get more information, and how can you share what you learn?


Meeting location is MedAssets at 5543 Legacy Drive in Plano, TX 75024.  This meeting is free and requires registration for seating purposes.  For registration and more details, please visit http://dallasastd.org/events.  To find out more about Shirley Fine Lee, her services, and her books, please visit http://ShirleyFineLee.com.

2013-2014 Press Releases/Announcements for Book + A/V + Blog

Date: Oct. 26, 2014

Headline: Four Principles from Team Building on Kindle

Summary: Shirley Fine Lee is the author of �Team Building Primer: A Start-up Guide for Developing Effective Teams, Committees, and Other Groups.� This book shares many team-building concepts as well as 4 principles teams must agree to for success.

Click title above to read full release.

Date: Mar. 16, 2014

Headline: Have You Got Mustard? A Free Bible Study Guide for Growing Faith

Summary: Shirley Fine Lee compiled a seven lesson Bible study guide titled �Have You Got Mustard? A Study Guide for Growing Faith.� The guide can be used as a weekly group program or a personal daily devotional. For a limited time the guide is free on goodreads.com

Click title above to read full release.


* NOTE:  On-line releases will include link to web location in title.  Those without title links were sent to print publications.




Shirley Fine Lee's purpose is to help organizations increase communication, employee, and system capacity to produce results.


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