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2010 Press Announcements for Speaking Engagements and Book Signings


* NOTE:  Public speaking announcements were sent to local print and on-line news sources. If a photo was taken at event, it will appear to the right of release.  If there was additional or summary information available after the event, text and links for it will appear under the release as right justified.

Date: Oct. 20, 2010

Headline:  21st Century Time Management on BlogTalkRadio and Kindle

Summary: Three Business experts discuss �Time Management in the 21st Century� on BlogTalkRadio live on Oct. 21, 2010 at 9:00 PM CT.

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.


Date: Oct. 20, 2010

Headline: Shirley Fine Lee, author of new TAPP Time Management book will share tips on BlogTalkRadio

Summary:  Cash Miller, Steve Smith, and Shirley Fine Lee will discuss the topic of Time Management in the 21st Century on Blog Talk Radio. 

Click title above to read full release.  


Listen to program archive at


Date: Aug. 11, 2010

Headline: Shirley Fine Lee will sign her books in Plano

Summary: Shirley Fine Lee , will be promoting her books at the 10th Annual Southwest Learning Summit on August 17, 2010 in Plano .   Her newest book �T.A.P.P. Steps in Time Management� will be for sale for the first time at this event and will be available soon on Amazon.com.

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.


Read the SLS summary at




Date: July 27, 2010

Headline: Shirley Lee Addresses the

Do's and Don'ts of PowerPoint Presentations

Summary:  On Aug.9 for Dallas ASTD members, Shirley Fine Lee, training specialist and author of 2 books, will facilitate a discussion on presentation techniques and demonstrate PowerPoint with 5 examples she has developed for her keynote speaking, training delivery, and video creation.

Click title to read details on LinkedIn listing.


Read the summary at


Date: Apr. 27, 2010

Headline: ASQ Dallas Section Offers Time Management Webinar

Description:  On May 7 from noon until 1:30 P.M. the Dallas Section 1402 of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) will offer a webinar titled "Time Management for the 21st Century."  The webinar will be presented by Shirley Fine Lee, the author of the books �R.A!R.A!  A Meeting Wizard's Approach� and �T.A.P.P. Steps in Time Management�.  During the 90-minute webinar, Ms. Lee will share how to utilize the primary steps outlined in her new time management book to help participants:

  1.  Focus on doing the most important tasks each day in order to achieve goals.

  2.  Schedule those appointments that are vital to meeting important goals.

  3.  Assign priorities to tasks and appointments in order to best meet goals.

  4.  Understand how working in teams and with other people can affect a time management plan in both positive and negative ways.

Register for the webinar on the section website at www.asqdallas.org.  Find out more about Shirley Fine Lee and her books on her website www.shirleyfinelee.com.


Date: Mar. 10, 2010

Headline: Who�s afraid to tweet at Dallas ASTD, a tutorial by Shirley Fine Lee

Summary:   Before the Wednesday, March 16, 2010 Dallas ASTD meeting, Shirley Fine Lee will give a free Twitter tutorial at 4:30 PM.   The one hour tutorial offered at Sheraton Dallas North Hotel is titled �Who�s afraid to Tweet?� and will cover the basics of using this social networking tool.

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.


Read the summary at



Date: Feb. 7, 2010

Headline: Learning the Skill of Minute Taking

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee, author of �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach,� leads Providence IAAP discussion of minute taking skills on February 24.  Click title above to read full release.  

Date: Jan. 18, 2010

Headline: Meeting wizard, Shirley Fine Lee speaks at ASQ meeting in Texas

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee speaks on �Moving Meetings from Boring to Productive� from her book R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach at the January meeting of Dallas ASQ.  Other speakers will also contribute topics related to Quality.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Jan. 17, 2010

Headline: Speakers will present meeting and quality topics at Dallas ASQ

Summary: An informative session will be lead by Shirley Fine Lee on the topic of �Moving Meetings from Boring to Productive - 10 Mistakes Meeting Leaders Make� at the January 28, 2010 meeting of the Dallas Section of the American Society for Quality (ASQ Section 1402).

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.

2010 Press Releases/Announcements for Book + A/V + Blog


* NOTE:  On-line releases will include link to web location in title.  Those without title links were sent to print publications.


Date: Oct. 26, 2010

Headline: TAPP Steps in Time Management book now available in e-reader format

Summary:  The new time management book by Shirley Fine Lee �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management is now available on Amazon.com in both print and e-reader formats.  Click title above to read full release.  


TV-DFW Channel 3 - Liquidation Channel

Date: Sept. 20, 2010

Headline: Shirley Fine Lee celebrates August publication of TAPP Steps In Time Management book

Quote:  "I wanted something versatile and lasting to commemorate the August release of my 2nd book �TAPP Steps in Time Management�   I saw a rainbow peridot pendant on your show and decided that would be perfect.  So I checked your site and tried out the auction for this particular pendant and won it.  I wear the pendant on various lengths of silver wires or chains depending on whether I want to wear it alone or layered with other items.  For the latest fashion look of beads with a pendant, I found it will also work as an enhancer on my 5mm grey pearls hanging over the spring clasp.  Every time I wear the pendant I get compliments on the changing colors. "

 Shirley Fine Lee celebrates publication of TAPP Steps in Time Management


Date: Aug. 30, 2010

Headline: TAPP a New Time Management Concept

Description: How hard is it to control time use today?  As most people know, there are a lot of books related to time management targeted at specific audiences.  Shirley Fine Lee�s new book �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management� is designed for anyone wishing to improve their time management, whether or not they have tried other systems in the past.  This easy-to-follow book provides explanations, tables, examples, and forms so readers can begin immediate practice of the skills they will learn. 

   Shirley Fine Lee, a Texas author and trainer/facilitator, has packed the pages of her T.A.P.P. book with information to help make planning and prioritizing more effective.  It is she offers a quick look at basic time management principles and necessary skills.  T.A.P.P. is an acronym that stands for four components of time management: Tasks, Appointments, Priorities, and People.  After an hour with T.A.P.P., readers will learn: the necessity of a task list get things done, an appointment calendar to make meetings on-time, setting priorities to tackle the most important items, and considering people when making plans. 

   The book �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management is a must-have guide for personal time management.  The book provides an efficient and much-needed guide for planning work, appointments, and personal time more effectively.  The book on www.Amazon.com can help anyone wanting to become better at managing both their personal and professional lives.


Date: Aug. 24, 2010

Headline: Time Management ideas on TAPP!

Description How much time and effort is lost each year due to bad time management?  Can anything be done to make planning and managing time easier and more effective?   A potential answer lies within the pages of a new book titled �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management� released in August and now available on www.Amazon.com.  

   As many people know, there are a lot of books related to time management out there targeted at business leaders, creative people, or specific professions.  Shirley Fine Lee�s new book �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management� is designed for anyone wishing to improve their time management, whether or not they have tried other systems in the past.  This easy-to-follow book provides explanations, tables, detailed examples, and reproducible forms so readers can begin immediate practice of the skills they will learn.  Not only does the book cover different methods for managing time, it includes a problem section on how to handle interruptions and procrastination excuses. 

   Shirley Fine Lee is a Dallas-Fort Worth area trainer/facilitator who has packed the pages of T.A.P.P. with information to help make planning and prioritizing more effective by offering a quick look at basic time management principles and the necessary skills needed in her T.A.P.P. steps.  T.A.P.P. is an acronym that stands for the four primary components of good time management: Tasks, Appointments, Priorities, and People.  In about an hour, readers learn: the necessity of a task list get �to do�s� done, an appointment calendar to keep meetings on time, setting priorities to insure the most important items are done first, and considering people when making plans. 

   In summary, the book �T.A.P.P.  Steps in Tine Management is a must-have guide for personal time management in the 21st century.  In it, Shirley Fine Lee provides an efficient and much-needed guide for anyone who wants to become better at managing both their personal and professional lives.  It can help with planning work, appointments, and personal time more effectively.  Buy the book on www.Amazon.com and see what it can do related to managing time.


Date: Aug. 17, 2010

Headline: Four Steps to Time Management

Summary:  Why is it so hard to meet goals that are set and find time to get important projects done on schedule? Shirley Fine Lee presents 4 steps to improve in her book �T.A.P.P Steps in Time Management."  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: May 12, 2010

Headline: 2bProductive blog continues knowledge sharing with contest and prizes for 2nd anniversary

Summary:  Leaders are saying the economy may be improving and business is expanding again.   Smart business managers will continue doing more with less in a way that continues to increase productivity and customer service.  

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.


Date: May 06, 2010

Headline: Second anniversary of To Be Productive blog celebrates knowledge sharing

Summary:  Business want increased productivity for less time and money. The �To Be Productive� blog at 2bproductive.blogspot.com is celebrating 2 years of posts that aid professionals with their growth. Offers a comment contest to giveaway books.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Apr. 06, 2010

Headline: A Meeting Wizard�s Approach RARA Acronym Explained in Free Micro-podcasts

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee releases a 4 podcast series sharing meeting management ideas in audio-recording of 5 minutes tips from her book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach."  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Apr. 06, 2010

Headline: Local Author and Trainer Offers Micro-podcasts on Meeting Management Topics

Summary: Shirley Fine Lee , who is the author of the management book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�, released what she calls a micro-podcast series on meeting tips.   The primary purpose of the podcast series is to help teams or groups improve their meetings with quick tips.

Click title to read details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo listing.


Date: Mar. 29, 2010

Headline: Author of RARA Meeting Management Approach audio-recording on Importance of Meeting Records

Summary:  Author of �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach," Shirley Fine Lee, releases Relevant Records podcast for keeping a history of successful meetings.  These tips help businesses and teams become more successful during their meeting time.  Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Mar. 22, 2010

Headline: RARA Approach Author, Shirley Fine Lee�s Shares Key Meetings Roles in MP3 audio

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee, author of �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach,� releases a 3rd audio-podcast on having required roles during meetings. These tips on the audio-video page of her website help make for more productive meetings and leadership skills. Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Mar. 15, 2010

Headline: Shirley Fine Lee�s Meeting Wizard Podcast Provides Action Item Ideas

Summary:  Author of �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach,� Shirley Fine Lee, releases Assigning Action-items podcast for improving meetings.  These tips help businesses and teams have more effective meetings.    Click title above to read full release.  


Date: Mar. 8, 2010

Headline: Meeting Wizard, Shirley Fine Lee Gives Meeting Agenda Tips via Podcast

Summary:  Shirley Fine Lee, author of �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach,� released a tips podcast on creating an action-based meeting agenda.  These tips help make for more efficient meetings.   Click title above to read full release.  




Click cover above to order Paperback Book or below for

RARA A Meeting Wizard's Approach Kindle e-Book

Click cover above to order Paperback Book or below for

TAPP Steps in Time Mgmt Kindle e-book

OPIE Project Planning and Implementation for Team - Only available as Kindle e-book on Amazon

Team Building Primer: A Start-up Guide for Developing Effective Teams, Committees, and Other Groups

Shirley Fine Lee's purpose is to help people and organizations increase capacity to produce results.

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