Date: Nov. 13, 2008
Going from Long to Short � Donating the in between hair
Are you or someone you know thinking of going from long hair to a shorter
cut? If yes, please read this before going to the salon.
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details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo
Date: Nov. 03, 2008
meetings really cluttering up corporate time?
Meetings are a necessary communication tool in corporations. However
managers complain about how much time meetings take and how many are being
held. There is a book that can help make meetings shorter and more
R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach
by Shirley Fine Lee.
Click title above to read full release.
Date: Oct. 07, 2008
Author of RARA book compares coffee variations to leadership styles used in
Shirley Fine Lee, who is a
meeting facilitator, consultant, trainer and author of the book
R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach, compares three common
leadership styles to popular coffee drinks.
Click title above to read full release.
Date: Sept. 25, 2008
Drinks Compared to Business Leadership Styles
Author of
R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach
andLewisville resident,
Shirley Fine Lee
thought is would be
interesting to compare leadership styles to popular coffee drinks. With
this idea in mind, she contacted her local coffee shop and talked with a
professional barista.
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details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo
Date: Aug. 18, 2008
Headline: Become
a Wizard at Conducting Meetings to Keep Employees Engaged and Productivity
High with Audio Conference
How often do we hear groaning at the thought of attending another meeting?
Meetings are mandatory to make business more productive and profitable, but
only if we make the most of the time spent. Find out how to make the most of
meeting time in an audio conference with Shirley Fine Lee, author of book
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�. Click title above to read full release.
Date: May 28, 2008
Bloggers Help Others To Be Productive
Everyone understands that business in and
around Dallas/Fort Worth demands flexibility and knowledge expansion.
Business anywhere today requires doing more with less in a way that
increases productivity. So how does one grow both professionally and
personally productive, flexible, and knowledgeable? There is always keeping
up with the latest in business trends through the news or reading recently
published books. Also there is now the option of reading tips created with
internet blogs. The latest blog offering tips is called To Be productive at
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details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo.
Date: May 27, 2008
Headline: Want
To Be Productive?
Professionals looking for helpful
productivity tips can find them on business related blogs like with posts by
Shirley Fine Lee, Deborah
Arvin, George Hendley, and Carl Youngberg.
Click title above to read full release.
Date: Mar. 11, 2008
Headline: Forms in Shirley Fine Lee�s RARA book make meetings easier
Shirley Fine Lee, a Meeting Facilitator and
Trainer, has a meeting management tips book called "R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
, currently on The book provides forms for planning, holding, and
follow-up related to meetings.
Click title above to read full release.
Feb. 29, 2008
into effective meetings using RARA book
Summary: Frequent and
ineffective businesses meetings may be hindering many companies today. The
book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach� by Shirley Fine offers four key components
to more efficient meetings.
Click title above to read full release.
Date: Feb. 28, 2008
Time management and communication lead to better meetings from the book on R.A!R.A!
Summary: The meeting management book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach� by Shirley Fine Lee presents an approach
that uses elements of basic time management and group communication.
title above to read full release.
Date: Feb. 06, 2008
Shirley Fine Lee�s book explains who�s who at the meeting
Summary: The meeting
management book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
by Shirley
Fine Lee gives examples of the beasts in people that sometimes come out in
meetings. The book explains each beastly behavior and how to change it.
Click title above to read full release.
Jan. 23, 2008
Shirley Fine Lee�s RARA meeting management book
makes the new year more productive
Summary: Every
year, businesses are having meetings that are not effective and
inefficient. The solution is simply using the four components of better
meetings presented by Shirley Fine Lee in her book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach.� Not only does this book define the
meeting components, it also provides examples
examples and forms for skill development.
Click title above to read
full release.
Jan. 7, 2008
Meeting Wizard shares tips for meetings in
amusing video clips
Why do we often groan when
we are called into another meeting? In too many cases, our resistance is a
result of painful memories of bad meetings that were largely a waste of
time. When Shirley Fine Lee's book, �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard's Approach� came out, she provided a no-nonsense
and much-needed guide to planning and conducting meetings to help them be as
productive, effectual, and smoothly run as possible.
Click title to read
details on Dallas Morning News NeighborsGo
Jan. 3, 2008
Meeting Wizard shares tips for meetings on YouTube in a funny
Shirley Fine
Lee, author of the book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard's Approach� has put a few meeting
improvement tips on YouTube. The educational and humorous videos cover
topics such as problem solving, key meeting components, rabbit trails, and
how to stay awake in meetings.
Click title above to read full release.