2007 Press Releases
for Speaking Engagements
NOTE: Public speaking announcements were sent to local print and on-line news
sources. If a photo was taken at event, it will appear to the
right of release. If there was information available after the event,
text and links for it will appear under the release as right justified.
Date: Oct. 24, 2007
Headline: Ft. Worth ASTD has
local author present how to move meetings from boring to productive
Description: Meetings
are an important problem solving tool in business and they need to be
productive. Shirley Fine Lee, author of the management book �R.A!R.A! A
Meeting Wizard�s Approach�, will present how to move meetings from boring to
productive using four key components from her training program on Thursday,
November 1. Ms. Lee is a DFW area consultant and trainer and she will be
presenting these four components at the monthly meeting of the Fort Worth
Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). The
meeting is held at the Tarrant County Plaza Building and starts at 6:00 PM,
the presentation begins at 6:45 . Members and guests should go on line at
http://www.astdfortworth.org to
RSVP and arrange payment by Monday, October 29. To find out more about Fort
Worth ASTD, visit their website. To find out about the presenter and her
book, visit www.shirleyfinelee.com.
Audience's Presenter Rating = Very Good
Date: Oct. 4, 2007
Headline: Fort
Worth Trinity IAAP has local book author share RARA meeting
Holding meetings is a common business practice for communication and
problem-solving. Because meetings are important for the success of
organizations, this time needs to be spent productively. For this reason,
Fort Worth Trinity Chapter of the International Association
of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) has invited Shirley Fine Lee to
speak. Mrs. Lee is the author of the book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard�s
Approach� and she will offer tips based on her meeting management
approach. This IAAP chapter�s dinner program will be on Thursday, October
18, 2007 from 5:30PM to 8:00PM at The Gardens Restaurant of the
Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. Go to
under local chapter, upcoming program to pre-register by Oct. 16. More
details on the program or the chapter may also be found on this website.
To find out more about the speaker/author and her book, visit her website
Audience's Presenter Rating = Excellent
Sept. 27, 2007
IAAP Las Colinas has local book author share RARA meeting tips
Description: Holding meetings is a common business practice for
communication and problem-solving. Because meetings are important for the
success of organizations, this time needs to be spent productively. For
this reason, the Las Colinas Chapter of the International Association of
Administrative Professionals (IAAP) has invited Shirley Fine Lee to speak.
Mrs. Lee is the author of the book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
and she will speak on her meeting management approach. This IAAP chapter�s
dinner program will be on Monday, October
8, 2007 from 5:30PM to 8:00PM at the Marriot Hotel. Go to
under local chapter, monthly
networking to pre-register before Oct. 4. More details on the program or
the chapter may also be found on this website. To find out more about the
speaker/author and her book, visit her website at
Audience's Presenter Rating = Excellent |
Date: Sept. 5, 2007
Headline: Local book author
explains how to move meetings from boring to productive
Description: Shirley Fine Lee, author
of the management book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�, will present
how to move meetings from boring to productive using four key components on
Thursday, September 20. Ms. Lee will be one of the many presenters at the
Economic Summit and Business Expo held at the Northwest ISD High School in
Justin , TX . This 7:30am-1:00pm event is coordinated by the Northwest
Metroport Chamber of Commerce. More information on the event may be found
on the Chamber�s website at
http://www.nwmetroportchamber.org. To find out more about the author and her
book, visit www.shirleyfinelee.com.
Read the speaker info from
Economic Summit & Business Expo
insert in 9/14/2007 local Alliance Regional Newspapers
(The Haslet Harbinger, The Justin Journal, The Roanoke Register, The Trophy Club Times, The Westlake First News)
Date: July 5, 2007
IABC Houston continues summer reading series at July 26 luncheon
Meetings are a key
communication tool in business and need to be productive. Shirley Fine Lee
will be a speaker at the Houston chapter of the International Association of
Business Communicators
summer reading series
featuring the authors of business books. Ms. Lee, a Texas consultant and
author, will be highlighting keys from her book, �R.A!R.A! A Meeting
Wizard�s Approach�, that move meetings from boring to productive. The lunch
program will be Thursday, July 26, 2007, 11:15AM-1:00PM at Brennan's
Restaurant. Go to
to register. To find out more
about author and book, visit www.shirleyfinelee.com.
Read the recap at
Date: June 4, 2007
Headline: AHRMA offers professional
development program around time management and performance
Description: Austin�s
Human Resource Management Association (AHRMA) offers a day of professional
development programs around time management and improved performance on June
28, 2007 at Austin Country Club. Shirley Fine Lee, author of the new book
�R.A!R.A! A meeting Wizard�s Approach�, will be the luncheon speaker with
the topic Moving Meetings from Boring to Productive. The morning�s Time
Management session will be presented by Cathy Wodarski and the afternoon �s
session on Achieving Peak Performance will be presented by James Lumpkin.
This program is open to AHRMA members and non-members. To find out more
about this day or to register for any part of the AHRMA professional
development programs, visit their website at
Read the recap at
Date: April 2, 2007
Headline: Author
presents coaching better meetings on Tuesday at Dallas ASTD
Description: Shirley Fine Lee, author of
�R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�, will lead a discussion of her book as a
coaching tool for improving meetings at the Wyndham Dallas North Hotel at LBJ
and Dallas Tollway on April 17, 2007 from 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. Dallas
chapter of American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) will
be offering a dinner program at the same location, to register for dinner
program, visit
Read the Apr. 2007 Coaches and Consultants group discussion results
Dallas ASTD Persepctives - Article Title:
"Becoming a Meeting Wizard"
See also the Sept. 2006 Accelerated Learning group
presentation results in
Dallas ASTD Persepctives - Article Title by
Richard Buse:
the Importance of Effective Training"
2007 Press Releases/Announcements
for Book
NOTE: On-line releases will include links in title to location. Those
without title links were sent to print publications.
Date: Dec. 7, 2007
Shirley Fine Lee�s RARA Meeting Management Book Makes a Great
Appreciation Gift from Sales Professionals
Summary: Does
finding the right gift to say thank you to clients have to be difficult?
Sales professionals who want help finding the right gift to say thank you
will find the best solution for various people is often a meeting management
book like
RARA which will also fill a general business need.
Click title above
to read full release.
Dec. 3, 2007
Summary: Finding the right way to say thanks to employees and
customers is not difficult. Leaders who want help finding the right gift
to say thanks is a meeting management book like
RARA to fill a
professional growth need.
Click title above to
read full release.
Nov. 6, 2007
Headline: Give Business Teams the Gift of Increased Productivity for
Summary: Companies
and individuals need help finding the right gift to say thank you to
employees, vendors, or customer team members from the organization this
holiday season. The easiest and best solution when shopping for a diverse
group of people is a business book. Example book topics include time
management, goal setting, process mapping, meeting management, delivering
presentations, and project management.
Click title above to read full release.
Date: Nov. 9, 2007
RARA book shows beasts can come out at
The meeting management book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
by Shirley Fine Lee shows
examples of the beastly attitudes some people can�t help but display in
meetings. The book explains what may be behind the beastly behaviors
and ways to curtail them.
Click title above to read full release.
Sept. 27, 2007
will appreciate RARA book on meeting management
Meetings are important to productivity. Bosses will appreciate their
employees having productive meetings. Training or a book like �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach� can improve meetings.
Click title above to read full release.
Aug. 02, 2007
RARA Book Offers Three Levels of
Meeting Management Learning
Shirley Fine Lee, a Meeting Facilitator and Trainer, has put
her meeting management tips into a book called "R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�,
currently available on
www.Amazon.com, to help organizations improve meeting productivity and
therefore waste less time.
Click title above to read full release.
July 11, 2007
Seven Meeting Blunders Participants
Why put up with bad meetings? There are many
blunders that meeting attendees allow which influence whether the meeting is
effective or nonproductive. Seven of the most common blunders are presented
and easily solved using hints from the book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach� by Shirley Fine Lee.
Click title above to read full release.
July 09, 2007
Meeting Facilitator and Trainer
Shirley Fine Lee Releases Book
Shirley Fine Lee, a Meeting Facilitator and Trainer, has put
together a book containing tips called "R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
to help people improve their meeting time and become more
Click title above to read full release.
May 21, 2007
How to Find the Buzz on Meeting Management Books like RARA
Summary: For help with meeting management, do an
on-line search of self-paced guide books like
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
by Shirley Fine Lee.
title above to read full release.
Apr. 24, 2007
Headline: Turning Negative Meetings into Positive
with RARA Approach
Summary: A book by
Shirley Fine Lee titled �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach�
helps turn ineffective
meetings into more productive ones through four components of the approach
to improve meetings. Additionally the book offers suggestion on how
to handle problems that may come up during a meeting.
title above to read full release.
March 5, 2007
Meetings are improved with R.A!R.A!
Description: How much time and money is
lost each year in ineffective meetings? What can be done about making meetings
more effective that will make attendees feel they are not wasting their time?
Is the answer reading a new book titled �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's
Approach� available on
As many business
professional know, many books related to meetings are designed primarily for
presenters, event coordinators, managers, or meeting facilitators. However,
Shirley Fine Lee�s new book �R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach� is
designed for any meeting or group member who wishes to learn tools that will
make their meetings more effective as well as simple methods for applying
them to increase productivity. The easy-to-follow book provides
explanations, illustrations, detailed examples and usable forms so readers
can begin immediate practice of the skills they will learn. Not only does
the book cover the mechanics of productive meetings, it includes a problem
section on what can derail a meeting and how to get things back on track.
Shirley Fine Lee, a
Dallas-Fort Worth area trainer and meeting facilitator has packed the pages
of R.A!R.A! with information to help make meetings more effective by
offering a quick look at basic meeting management principles and the related
skills needed through the RA!RA! approach, which stands for Roles, Agenda,
Records, and Action. In just a few hours of reading, readers learn: the
necessary meeting roles, how to get the right people there, how to start and
end meetings on time, how to accomplish more in each meeting, how to insure
meeting ideas and decisions are captured, how to accomplish needed tasks and
follow-up outside the meeting, what may detract from a meeting and how to
deal with it, and how to improve future meetings.
In summary, the book
�R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach� is a no-nonsense guide that can help
anyone prepare for meetings in which they will be participating or
facilitating. In it, Shirley Fine Lee explains how to assign roles, create
a clear agenda, keep records, and assign actions for follow up -- thus
maximizing the effectiveness of every meeting. Buy the book on
www.Amazon.com and see what it can do for meetings.
Date: Feb. 28, 2007
Ten Mistakes Meeting Leaders Make
Summary: Why do we keep having bad
meetings? There are many mistakes that meeting leaders and meeting
attendees allow which cause ineffective and nonproductive meetings.
Ten of the most common mistakes are presented and easily solved using hints
from the book "R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach� by Shirley Fine Lee.
title above to read full release.
Date: Feb. 22, 2007
Four Components of Better Meetings
Summary: Why
do we keep having meetings that are ineffective and nonproductive when the
solution is so simple? Shirley Fine Lee presents four components of better
meetings in her book �R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard�s Approach.� This
book provides examples and forms for skill development. It is now available
Click title above to read full release.