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Classroom Delivery,
Communication Publishing,
Consulting Services,
Instructional Design,
Keynote Addresses,
Meeting Facilitation,
Newsletter Articles,
Productivity Training,
Seminar Speaking,
System Support,
and Team Building.

Copyright 2007
Shirley Lee
All Rights Reserved |
A study, performed by the
Human Resources Planning Society, of 100 Fortune 500 companies with teams,
found that 80% of their respondents had trouble evaluating the team's work.
Meeting Blunders Participants Bear
Source PRWeb
To accomplish meeting objectives, start by avoiding the seven common
blunders that meeting members make or allow. These are:
1. Members do not understand the importance of their role in
generating ideas, solving problems, and making decisions.
2. Attendees will not demand a written agenda with timeframes.
3. If they have an agenda, they allow random changes or rabbit trails.
4. Participants don�t use visible records of their progress during a
5. Attendees choose not to review distributed minutes for accuracy.
6. Members do not insure actions items are recorded during meeting.
7. Participants don�t commit to actions by volunteering with a completion
Read the full article at
Avoid making the
same errors over and over. Download a FREE group evaluation to
determine where your group may need help from
who have not had training in team building or do not understand the value of
other members input, may interrupt while others are talking with their own
ideas or opinions. They may also try to rephrase what someone says thinking
they are being helpful or trying to manipulate statements as support for
their view, when they could be wrong. These members need to be made to
understand that everyone�s input is important and they should wait until the
person has finished their thought to ask questions or respect the agreed
upon process and do it that way until group agrees to change the process."
Source: The
above text is an except from Beastly Problems section of the book "R.A!R.A!
A Meeting Wizard's Approach" �2007
on how to retrain the Sly Fox.
"Teamwork is the ability
to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual
accomplishments toward organizational objectives."
- Andrew Carnegie


R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach
New book reviews and recommendations have been
published by:
Shirley Fine Lee
will be 1 of 4 seminar speakers
from 10:30-12:30.
She will present
"Moving Meetings from Boring to
on September 20 at

Event is 7:30am-12:30pm find
location and more at
The Meeting Wizard's calendar has a few openings in 4th Quarter 2007. Contact Shirley Lee at 214-457-5736