Team Building
These free games, icebreakers, and activities have been gathered
from various sources and require no materials.
Getting To Know Each Other:
Similarity Charades
Divide into smaller groups. Each group discusses
their similarities and acts out for other group to guess.
Two Truths and A Lie
Ask each person to think of three statements
that tells the group something about them, two that are true
statements and one that is false. Take turns in the group sharing the
three statements and have the rest of the group vote on which
one they think is false. The more subtle ones are trickier!
Battle Scar Galatica
Take turns in you group sharing a story about
any scar they might have on their body. If you have several groups,
have them share " the best story". Be prepared, this one can get
gross. Depending on the scar, this could be a high-risk activity, but
allows people to explain scars in their own way.
What’s In A Name?
Ask each person in the group to share the story,
if any, behind their name, one or all of them. They can talk about why
that name was chosen, what it means, or any nicknames that have come
about. The group could also talk about a name they wish they had or
another name they like, find unusual or funny. Remind the group to
respect the name that that person wants to be called.
Finish the Sentence
Go around the room and have each person finish
one of these sentences:
- The best job I ever had was...
- If I could do anything I wanted, I would ...
- The worst project I ever worked on was...
- My ideal job would be ..
- The riskiest thing I ever did was...
Name Game
Sit in a circle. One person starts by using an
adjective starting with the same letter as their first name, followed
by their first name (i.e. Clever Claire, Kind Karen). The next person
has to repeat the first person's adjective and name and then add their
own. The followng repeats the first and second before stating theirs.
Continue around the circle with each adding their name to the list and
the last person has to repeat all other names in order and end with
their own.
Blind Hike
Have people pair off with one person in each
pair closing their eyes. Give them a time limit and have the pair
explore an area. The person who eyes are open is the guide and is in
charge of the other one's safety. After the designated time, signal
the pairs to switch roles. When the activity is completed ask each
pair to give each other feedback about how they did as a guide.
Trust Falls
In pairs - one partner falls backwards with
other partner catching. Variations include forward falls where
partners extend arms and fall toward each other, connecting hands.
This can be done from fairly far apart provided there are spotters
ready to catch the fallers in the middle.
Wind in the Willows
Group stands in a circle with one person in the
middle. Person in middle falls in any direction, trusting others to
catch him/her and stand him/her back up.
Problem Solving:
Human Knot
Have the group form a circle of 8 to 10 people.
Each person holds out their right hand and grasps another hand as if
shaking hands. They should NOT have both hands of the same person or
hands of the people on either side of them. All then extend left hands
and grab another left hand. Again, they should NOT have both hands of
the same person or hands of the people on either side of them. The
goal is to then untangle themselves into a single circle without
releasing hands.
Birthday Lineup
Ask everyone to line up according to the month
and day of birth without any talking. This can result in some
interesting means of communication towards a common goal.